Home Helen Schuler Nature Centre Programs

Helen Schuler Nature Centre Programs

Discover it here! The Helen Schuler Nature Centre is a unique urban escape within minutes of downtown.

  • Visit nature.lethbridge.ca for more information on exhibits & facility rentals
  • Register for programs below

Ages 2 - 5

Kids ages 2-5 and their adults discover all that nature has to offer!

Ages 6 - 10

Kids ages 6-10 can register for Junior Naturalists Club, Trailblazers, Coulees & Culture Camps or Run Wild Day Camps!

Ages 11 - 15

Kids ages 11-15 can explore a new topic each month in an Extreme by Nature session!


A variety of family programs are offered throughout the year. Topics and dates vary.

Adult Workshops

Programs for people ages 16+. Topics & dates vary.